Corporate Services Provider Singapore
A company is by far the best form of business. It is also the most preferred choice of legal entity. Formation of company is beneficial in every way. It has a separate legal entity, grants limited liability, has perpetual succession, can apply for debts with private and public financial institutions, accept and make foreign direct investment, tax benefits etc. Incorporation of company is simple and doesn’t require too many formalities. The process is a straight one and can be completed in no time.
At AccTrust Advisory, we will take care of all your company incorporation related work. We are experienced and know the whole process like the back of our hand. You can expect 100% satisfaction from us. We provide reliable and prompt solutions. We charge a reasonable amount for our services. Come to us and get cheap but high quality services.
Incorporation process

A company is Singapore is registered under Singapore Companies Act. To incorporate a private limited company, information and documents you’ll need are:
- Proposed name of the firm
- Proposed registered address of the company
- At least 1 shareholder, director and company secretary
- Minimum paid-up share capital of $1
- ID and address proofs of director(s) and shareholder(s) along with their Passports or ICs
- In case directors or shareholders are foreigners then proof of their foreign residence is required.
The application for incorporation Tax of company is made with ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority). The application is submitted online via BizFile+ which is the department’s information retrieval system. Once you have the entire information visit us at AccTrust Advisory and we’ll submit your application along with prescribed fees. While the payment is processed within 15-20 minutes, the application takes about 14 days to 2 months to get processed. If the company doesn’t require any approvals or licenses from other Government departments, it can commence its business once it gets registered with ACRA.
Model Constitution
Every company registered in Singapore needs to have its own constitution that governs the internal working of the company as well as its roles and objectives. If a company is registered as private limited company and has title as Pte Ltd. then its constitution must have two important points, viz.
- Restriction on transfer of shares; and
- Maximum number of members can be 50 at most.
Statutory Compliances
Singapore Companies Act is quite particular about compliances. It requires companies to follow provisions strictly. At AccTrust, we can help you with that and ensure that you are never late with any compliance. We will give you all the help you need with return filing and submission of forms. An important part of the whole procedure is application for licenses with the respective department for carrying out business. For example, if a person wants to open an educational institution then he must get a license for it from the Department of Education. At AccTrust, you do not need to worry about them as we will get them for you.
Company secretarial services
Every company requires a qualified and experienced company secretary to carry out take care of its compliances. As per the Act, every company needs to appoint a company secretary within six months of its incorporation. Secondly, person appointed as company secretary should be a ordinary resident of Singapore but must not be a shareholder or director of the company else he will not be able to make uninfluenced decisions.
The scope of a company secretary includes formulation of resolutions for opening bank accounts, filling vacancies, taxation etc. He is required to record minutes of every meeting, viz. general meeting, board meetings, annual general meetings etc.
Most importantly he is supposed to file annual or quarterly returns, as the case may be, with ACRA and other statutory bodies. Keep statutory registers, minutes books, shareholders register etc. in safe custody and maintain them as per rules. He should keep them updated all the time. He is also given the custody of company’s common seal which he must use properly. His job includes complying with the sections of Singapore Companies Act and rules prescribed by ACRA from time to time.
It is generally not easy to find qualified corporate secretaries but at AccTrust we provide all these services. Appoint us and there will not be a single default. You’ll be able to shift your entire focus on running your business.
Apart from these we also provide other services like opening a bank account, preparation of deeds, contracts, etc. Come to us as you’ll only get quality services free of errors. We provide dedicated services to our clients and ensure their work gets done smoothly and quickly.
For more details, either give us a call at +65 6635 2171 or drop-in a mail at An executive will get back to you and schedule an appointment at your convenience. Get in touch with us today to get your company incorporated.